Before we met each other, we both have a song that we always like but has no real meaning to us.
As we told each other that, together, we realized how that song means so much to the other.
"I jumped the gun
So sure you'd split and run
Ready for the worst
Before the damage was done
The storm never came
Or it never was
Didn't know getting lost in the blue
It meant I wound up losing you
Welcome to the inner workings of my mind
So dark and foul I can't disguise
Can't disguise
Nights like this
I become afraid
Of the darkness in my heart
Hurricane- Ms Mr
I am a hurricane. A natural outcome of the high and low pressures of this lifeline. I devastate every waking breath of people I bellow. When you told me this song, I knew this was my jam for you. A song that you knew before knowing me but didn't really mean a thing by then.
"So what did you think I would say?
No you can't run away, no you can't run away
So what did you think I would say?
No you can't run away, no you can't run away
You wouldn't
I never wanted to say this
You never wanted to stay
I put my faith in you, so much faith
And then you just threw it away
You threw it away"
For a pessimist, I'm pretty optimistic- Paramore
In perfect response, I know these are the lines anyone would say to someone as messed up as I. A song I knew and loved before I met you but didn't mean or relate to me in any way. But for you, I know it does.
These songs are sad sonatas which will always remind us what not to do if we truly want to be happy.
Well, It's been half a year already. I don't want to be lost in this blue. You told me I can't run away. I want to be happy. You fought hard to be happy too.
None of their poetry will be written, only the avenue of this epiphany.
#7332 #halfnivarsarry
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